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1. Name the first calculating machine:

Abacus is the first calculating machine. It was invented in the 16th century in China. Simple calculations, like addition or subtraction, could be performed using the Abacus.

2. Who invented Pascaline?

Pascaline, the first calculator was invented by Blaise Pascal. It consists of a box with eight movable wheels. By using the Pascaline, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers as big as hundreds and thousands could easily be done.

3. Name the two machines designed by Charles Babbage:

Charles Babbage invented the Difference engine and Analytical engine. Difference engine is to prepare mathematical tables. Analytical Engine has the same basic elements as the modern computers like input, output and memory devices.


4. Which was the first electronic computer?

Mark-I was the first electronic computer. It was developed by Howard Aiken and it was about 15 meters long and the wires connecting the various parts of the machine were about 800 kilometers long. The main advantage of Mark-I was that it was fully automatic.

5. Name the machine developed by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly:

ENIAC(Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer),EDVAC(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) and UNIVAC-I(UNIVersal Automatic Computer- I).

6. Define the first generation computers:

The first generation computers used vacuum tubes. These computers were very large in size, and writing program on them was difficult. Some examples of first generation computers are: MARK-I, ENIAC, EDVAC and UNIVAC-I.

7. Limitations of the first generation computers?

The limitations of first generation computers are 

1. The operating speed was quite low.
2. Power consumption was very high.
3. They require large spaces for installation.
4. The programming capability was quite low.

8. What are the characteristics of the present day computers? Mention any three?

The characteristics of the present day computers are: Speed, Accuracy, High storage capacity, Diligence and Versatility.

1. Super Computer
2. Mainframe computer
3. Mini Computer

9. Name three kinds of personal computers:

The three kind of personal computers are

1. Laptop Computer
2. Palmtop Computer
3. Desktop Computer

10. What are the characteristics of the second generation computers?

The characteristics of the second generation computers are:

            1. They used a transistor as their main component.
            2. They were smaller, faster, and more efficient than the first-generation computers
            3. They also contained all the components we associate with the modern day computers – printers, memory, disk storage, operating system etc.
            4. They were cheaper than the first-generation computers

11. What are the characteristics of the Third-generation computers?

The characteristics of the third-generation computers are:

            1. They used Integrated Circuits (IC) popularly known as chips.
            2. These computers were smaller in size as compared to the second-generation computers.
            3. Capacities of main memories were greatly enlarged.
            4. They used an operating system that allowed machines to run many different programs simultaneously.

12. What are the features of the fourth-generation computers?

The main features of the fourth-generation computers are:

           1. They use large-scale Integrated Circuits and Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (VLIC)
           2. They have a much greater computing power and extremely large memories than the earlier computers.
           3. Storage devices have greatly improved and cost less.
           4. Computers can be linked together or networked to share memory space, software, information and communicate with each other.

13. What is meant by fifth-generation Computers or Supercomputers?

The fifth-generation computers, or next generation of computers, are expected to fill the gap and are being referred to as supercomputers. Super computers have a very large storage capacity, high speed, ability to do highly sophisticated operations and the capability to make decisions of the right kind. These computers are based on Artificial Intelligence.

14. Calculating device is called Napier’ Bones why?

The device is called Napier’s bones because it has multiplication tables inscribed on strips made of wood or carved bone. The improved form of Napier’s bones is used for performing division and finding of square roots. Sir John Napier made a calculating device for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of numbers.

15. Limitations of Computers

In spite of so many advantages, computers do have some limitations.

Computers cannot take decision making abilities. They need to be told each and every step. If an unanticipated situation arises, computers will either produce incorrect results or abandon the task altogether.

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