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1. What is the central task of sociology?

The central task of sociology is to explore the interplay of society and the individual.The individuals do not float freely in the society and they are the collective bodies like family,tribe,caste etc.

2. In what way is terminology important in sociology?

A discipline must develop a terminology.The terminology is possibly even more important for sociology,just because its subject matter is familiar and just because words do exist to denote it.

3. Write a short note on sociological concepts.

Many of the sociological concepts reflect the concern of social thinkers to understand and map the social changes that the shift from pre-modern to modern entailed. Other concepts reflects the inequalities between groups in the society.

4. Write a short note on the relationship between concepts and individuals.

Concepts arise in society. However just as there are different kinds of individuals and groups in society. So there are different kinds of concepts and ideas.

5. Which are the two facts that the comparitive and historical perspective of sociology brings?

The comparitive and historical perspective of sociology brings home two apparently innocuous facts.The first that in every society whether ancient or feudal or modern,Asian or European or African human groups and collectivities exist. The second that the types of groups and collectivities are different in different societies.

6. What do you mean by aggragates?

Aggragates are simply collections of people who are in the same place at the same time,but share no definite connection with one another.

7. Write some examples of aggregates.

Passengers waiting at a railway station or airport or bus stop or a cinema audience are the examples of aggregates.

8. What do you mean by quasi group?

A quasi group is an aggregate or combinations,which lacks structure or organisation and whose members may be unaware or less aware of the existence of groupings.

9. Write some examples of quasi groups.

Some examples of quasi groups are social classes,status groups,age and gender groups,crowds etc.

10. Mention the characteristics of social group.

(a) persistant interaction to provide continuity.

(b) a stable pattern of these interaction.

(c) a sense of belonging to identify with other members.

(d) shared interest

(e) acceptance of common norms and values.

(f ) a definable structure.

11. What do you mean by social structure?

Social structure refers to the patterns of regular and repeatative interaction between individuals or groups.

12. What do you mean by social groups?

A social groups refers to a collection of continuously interacting persons who share common interest,culture,values and norms with in a given society.

13. How many types of social groups are there and which are they?

There are two types of social groups they are primary social groups and secondary social groups.There exists some contrast between these social groups.

14. What do you mean by primary social group? Give examples?

The term primary group is used to refer to a small group of people connected by intimate and face to face association and co-operation.

eg: family,village and groups of friends.

15. What do you mean by secondary social group? Give examples.

Secondary groups are relatively large in size,maintain formal and impersonal relationships.

eg: schools,government offices,hospitals etc.

16. What is the difference between primary social groups and secondary social groups?

There exists some contrast between primary social groups and secondary social groups.The primary groups are person oriented ,whereas the secondary social groups are goal oriented.

17. What do you mean by community?

The term 'community' refers to human relationships that are highly personal,intimate and enduring,those where a person's involvement is considerable if not total,as in the family,with real friends or a close-knit group.

18. What do you mean by a Society or Association?

Society or Association refers to everything opposite of 'community',in particular the apparently impersonal,superficial and transistory relationships of modern urban life.

19. Write a short note on 'In-Groups'.

A sense of belonging marks on in-group.This feeling seperates 'us' or ' we' from 'them' or 'they'.Children belonging to a particular school may form an 'in-group'.

20. What do you mean by out-groups?

An out-group is one in which the members of an in-group do not belong.The members of an out-group can face hostile reactions from the members of the in-group.Migrants are often considered as an out-group.

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