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1.What are the reasons for the formation of the land forms?

The land on the Earth consists of mountains. Plateaus and plains. Climatic changes take place on the Earth's surface, internal heat of the earth, earthquakes and Volcanic eruptions were the reasons for the formation of the land forms.

2.How were mountains formed?

Mountains are formed in two ways. When the tectonic plates move, they collide against each other. When the heavy oceanic part of the plate collides with continental part, it submerges below it. The Andes mountain for instance, were formed in this way. The other way is when two continents collide with each other, the plates bend at the point of contact and fold up steeply. The Himalayas or the Alps were formed in this way around 35 million years ago and are counted among the young mountains of the world.  Old mountains, such as Black Forest or the Harz mountains are lower ranges because peaks have been worn down by rain, ice, and wind over time.

3.Explain the different types of mountains?

The land form which is 800 meters above the sea-level and has a slope is known as mountains.  The mountains can be distinguished as fold mountains, Volcanic mountains, Block mountains and  Residual mountains, depending upon their mode of formation.  The mountains which are formed due to the plate tectonics in the Earth's interior are  know  as fold mountains.  These mountains are very high and majestic.  They cover vast areas on the Earth's surface.  Due to sudden forces of the Earth in the interior of the earth lead to the formation  of Block mountains. Volcanic mountains are formed by the accumulation of volcanic material.  The mountaind which were very high millions of years ago but were reduced to their present height due to denudation over a long period of time are called residual mountains.

4.How many types of plateaus are there? What are they?

Plateaus are land forms with some unevenness but relatively level surface with a steep slope only on one side Generally, plateaus are high above the sea level.  Plateaus are of three types.  They are intermontane plateaus, piedmont plateaus and continental plateaus.  Plateaus which is surrounded by hills and mountains on all sides is known as Intermontane plateau.  Piedmont plateau is one which lies at the foot of the mountains.  A continental plateau rises abruptly from the low-lying lands or from the sea.

5.Describe the Ocean floor?

The floor of an ocean which is a part of the hydrosphere is called the pcean floor. The depth of the oceans is not the same at all places .  Depending upon the depth, the  Ocean floor can be divided into four parts.  Continental edge, continental slope, Deep sea plains and ocean deeps are the four different parts that form the ocean bed.

6.Differentiate between an island and peninsula?

A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides is known as an island. A piece of land surrounded by water on three sides only is called a Peninsula.

7.What is the difference between a strait and an Isthumus?

A narrow passage of water connecting two large water bodies by divinding two large land masses is known as a strait.  Isthumus is a narrow strip of land joining two land masses and separating two water bodies.

8.Difine the word 'bay' . Give example?

Bay is part of a sea or an ocean is partially enclosed by a wide curve of land is  called bay.

eg: Bay of Bengal.

9.Briefly explain the different land forms of the Earth?

There are primary land forms, secondary lands forms and tertiary land forms.  The area of the earth above the sea level is known as land.  The secondary land forms are mountains, plateaus and plains. These land forms were formed due to climatic changes taking place on the Earth's surface, internal heat of the earth, earth quakes and volcanic eruptions. Teritiary land forms are islands, isthumus, deserts, peninsula, canyon, bay etc.

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Std 6
Andhra Pradesh (English Medium)

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