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1.Name the things with straight and curved edges from surroundings?
              Things with straight edges are : Newspaper, Table, Scale,Blackboard etc.
              Things with curved edges are : Apple, Orange, Ball, Bowl etc.
2.Do the things with straight edges have corners?
              Yes, things with straight edges have corners.
3.Do the things with curved edges have corners?
              No, things with curved edges gave no corners.
4.Find the number of edges and number of corners of a cube?

        Number of edges    = 12
        Number of corners =  8
5.Name the four basic shapes?
         The four basic shapes are triangle, square, rectangle and circle.
6.What are the properties of a square?
          A square has four equal sides and diagonals are equal.
7.What are the properties of a rectangle?
            A rectangle has 4 sides in which opposite sides are equal.  Also diagonals are equal.

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