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1. Explain the concept of Adverising?


  The word, advertising has been derived from the Latin term, "advertere' which means 'turn to'. Advertising turns the attention of people to a product, service or an idea.

2. Define Advertising?


  "Advertising is any form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponser".

                                                                                              - Philip Kotler.

3. What are the features of advertising?


  1. Advertising is non-personal as no face-to-face contact is involved between the advertiser and customers.
  2. Advertising is a method of mass  communication.
  3. Advertising is paid communication.
  4. An Advertisement is issued by an identified sponsor.
  5. The Basic purpose of an advertisement is to inform customers about some product or service and to persuade them to buy it.

4.what is Product Advertising?


  The main objective of product advertising is to promote the sale or reputation of a particular product, brand or service. It is sponsored by manufacturers, traders and other organisations to promote the uses, features, benefits and image of their products and services.

5. What is Institutional Advertising?


  The main aim of this type of advertising is to build a favourable image of the organisation rather than to promote the sale of a product or service.

6. What is Informative Advertising?


   This type of advertising contains information about a product/ service or institution. It makes consumers aware of the existence, features, uses of goods and services.

7. What do you mean by Persuasive - Advertising?


  This type of advertising is designed to peruade the consumers to buy a product or service or to support an idea.

8. What is Reminder Advertising?


  It attempts to remind people about the product/service or idea.

9. What do you mean buy concept Advertising?


   Concept Advertising is also know as 'Primary demand advertising' or 'pioneering advertising'. Its purpose is to stimulate demand  for a new type of product. Advertisement desinged to change life style of people is concept Advertising.

10. What is Publicity?


   Publicity means the non-pesonal stimultion of demand for a product, service or business unit by planting commercially significant news about it in a published medium or obtaining favourable presentation of it on radio, television or stage that is not paid.

11. Distinction between Advertising and Publicity


Basis of Distinction Advertising  Publicity

1. Sponsor


3. Payment




1.The identity of the sponsor is clearly known

2. The message originates from the advertiser

3. The advertiser has to pay to the media owners.

4. The sponsor has control over the contents and timing message



1. Identity of the sponsor is not clear 

2. The message originates from the media.

3.The Individual or firm involved doesnot  have to pay.

4. Media has control over the contents and timing.



12. What do you mean by Advertising Media?


 Advertising media are the Channels through which the advertising copy or message is brought to the notice of present and potential buyers.

13. Explain the advantages of Newspaper Advetising?


    News papers are a popular and widely used medium of advertising. Its main advantages are

  1. Newspapers have a wide circulation. Therefore this medium has a very wide converage.
  2. Due to wide coverage cost per reader is low.
  3. There is continuity as the message can be repeated daily.
  4. There is flexibility as the message can modified frequently.
  5. Regional newspapers can be used to focus on selected areas.

14. Explain the disadvantages of Newspaper Advertising?


  1. It has a very short life.
  2. Most people do not pay much attention to advertisements while reading the daily newspapers.
  3. There is limited scope for use of art and colour in newspapers.
  4. Illiterate people cannot be reached through newspapers.

15. Explain the Advantages of Radio Advertising?


   Radio is the another  important medium of advertising. Its advantages are.

  1. It has wide coverage.
  2. Illiterate people can also be reached.
  3. The message can be repeated several times during the day.
  4. Voice, tone and music can be used to enhance the impact.
  5. People can listen the advertisement while at work and during the journey.

16. Explain the disadvantages of Radio Advertising?


  1. It is costlier than newspapers.
  2. It has a short life.
  3. People may fail to listern due to noise and other disturbance.
  4. There is lack of flexibility and selectivity.

17. Explain the advantages  of  Television Advertising?


   Advertisement on TV offer the following advantages.

  1. It is more effective due to the combined impact of picture and sound.
  2. The message can be repeated several times during the day.
  3. There is selectivity in terms of time.
  4. Illiterate people can also be approached

18. Explain the disadvantages of Television Advertising?


  1. It is more costly than newspapers and radio.
  2. It has a short life and back reference is possible
  3. The message has to be as per the limitations and regulations of T.V.

19. Explain what are the advantages of Film Advertising?


   Film advertisement has the following advantages.

  1. It is very effective due to the combined effect of spoken words and visuals.
  2. It has a wide coverage as a large number of people visit cinema in a day.
  3. The advertisement can be shown in selected cinema to  focus on a selected region.

20. Explain what are the disadvantages of Film Advertising?


  1. It is very expensive.
  2. There is considerable wastage as very few people are present when the film slide is shown
  3. There is a lack of flexibility and timeliness.

21. What do you mean by Direct Mail?


  In this medium, a mailing list of potential buyers is prepared. Letters, booklets leaflets, folders and catalogues containing detailed information about the product are sent by post to these buyers.

22. What are the advantages of Direct Mail?


  1.  It is the most selective medium as the message is sent to selected persons directly.
  2. It is very inexpensive.
  3. There is personal appeal.
  4. It ensures secrecy.
  5. The readers can read the advertisement at their convenience.
  6. It has a long life.

23. What are the disadvantages of Direct Mail?


  1. It has a limited coverage.
  2. It is not suitable for unbranded and non- standardised product.
  3. Many people do not pay attention to the unsolicited mail.
  4. It is difficult to prepare and update the mailing list.
  5. Illiterate people can not be covered

24.Explain about outdoor Advertising?


   Outdoor advertising is a very old medium. It consists of posters, bill board, neon sign, wall writings, sign boards on buses and other public vehicles etc.

25.What are the Advantages of Out door Advertising?


  1.  It attracts attention quickly.
  2. It has a long life.
  3. It has a wide appeal.
  4. It is very selective in terms of geographical coverage
  5. It is economical.

26. What are the disadvantages of Outdoor Advertising?


  1. It cannot convey detailed message.
  2. It has low retention value and termporary appeal.
  3. It is considered harmful to natural handscope and a  potential road hazard.

27. Name and explain the method that should be adopted to sell pulses


    'Sales by samples' is the most appropriate method to sell pulses. It is an expensive method but is useful particularly for introducing new products in the market. A sample of the pulses is tested and, on that basis, a bulk order my be received. Normally samples are distributed free of cost.

28. What is meant by premium offer?


   A premium offer is the offer of an article free of cost on the purchase of a specified quantity of a product.

  For example, one bathing soap may be given free on the purchase of two bathing soaps or a tooth-brush may be given free on purchase of a pack of toothpaste.

29. Enumerate various advertising media to promote sales?


  1. Television
  2. Newspaper
  3. Radio
  4. Magazines
  5. Films.

30. Define Sales Promotion.


   According to the American Marketing Association, " sales promotion, in a specific sense, refers to those sales activities that suppliment both personal selling and advertising; coordinate and help to make them effective, such as, displays, shows and expositions, demonstrations and other similar selling efforts not in the ordinary routine".

31. Describe the role of sales promotion?


  1. More profits: Sales promotion helps to increase the sales and thereby profits to the seller.
  2. New products: Sale promotion helps to launch new products and to make immediate sales.
  3. Off-season: It helps to maintain the demand even during the off-season.
  4. Habit: schemes like free sample and trail make the consumer habitual of the product
  5. Stock clearance: Sales promotion helps to clear the overdue stock.
  6. Low cost: It create mass markets and hence reduces the cost of production through the economies of large -scale production.

32. Write a short note on the drawbacks of sales promotion


  1. Many times it is used to sell an inadequate brand.
  2. It is a waste of resources; money spent on production could be used to lower the prices
  3. It can ecourage consumers to buy products which they do not need.
  4. Its effects are only short-term.
  5. It cannot create brand loyalty.

33. What do you mean by a sales Promotion?


   Sales promotion means short-term incentives of non-recurring nature used to stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer effectiveness. The main purpose of sales promotion is to obtain spot buying of offering non-recurring and non-routine incentives.

34. What do you mean by samples?


  Many business firms distribute free samples of their products to selected consumers in order to make the products popular. This method is generally used for products of daily use, e.g. soaps, detergents, toothpaste, cosmetics, tea, etc. It is an expensive method but is useful particularly for introducing new products in the market.

35. What do you mean by Trading Stamps?


   Trading stamps are issued to customers through the retailers in promotion to the amount of purchase. For example, Ramon Bonus stamps are issued at 2.5 percent of the value of goods sold.

36. What do you mean by coupons?


  Coupon is a certificate that entitiles its holder to a specified saving on the purchase of a specified product. For example, subscription coupons of Reader's Digest entitle the reasders to save money.

37. What do you mean by premium or Bonus offer?


  It implies an offer of a certain quantity of the product, free of cost, on the purchase of a specified quantity of the product. It also refers to a free gift on the purchase of specified products.

38. What do you mean by a Price-off Offers?


   It means offering the product at below the normal price. For example, business firms may give 20 per cent off on refrigerators, coolers,fans, etc., during the off season

39. What do you mean by Exchange offers?


  Some times, manufactures of household gadgets and othe products make an offer 'exchange old productsw with new ones'. For example, an old iron can be exchanged with a new iron after payment of a specified amount.

40. What do you mean by a Brand?


  Brand means any identification mark (such as trade name, marks, symbol, picture, design, colour., etc) used to identify the product of a seller and to differentiate it from the products of competitions. A registered brand is known as a 'trademark'. Dalda, Ghee, Colgate toothpaste, Lux soap, Titan watches,. are examples of brands

41.What is Branding?


   Branding is the process  of assigning a distinctive name to the product by which it is to be known and remembered. It is the process by which a product is branded. It is a general term covering various activities such as giving a brand name to a product, designing a brand mark and popularising it.

42. What do  you mean by Trademark?


   The Trade mark is a legal term and refers to the brand which is registered under the Trade and Mercantile Marks Act, 1958. After registration, a brand enjoys legal protection and becomes the exclusive property of the owner.

43.  What do you meant by Brand promotion?


  Brand promotion means informing, reminding and persuading present and potential customers to purchase a particular brand. It is primarily the responsibility of the concerned manufacturer through wholesalers and retailers may also undertake brand promotion.

44. What are the purpose of Brand promotion? 


    The main purpose of brand promotion is to build a market for the product and to meet competition. Through regular advertisements of a brand a business concern tries to develop a positive image of the product and brand loyalty.

45. What do you mean by Brand Loyalty?


   Brand Loyalty means that some consumers continue to prefer a brand due to faith in its superiority. The power and value which brand adds to the product is known as 'brand equity'

46. Write a short note on publicity?


   Publicity means any commercially significant news which has no sponsor is non-personal and is not paid for by the individual or organisation involved in it. The intention of the media is to give a news. Hence, publicity is less persuasive. It may create a favourable or unfavourable impression.

47. Describe how Advertising sustain the press.


   In the absence of advertisement, newspapers, magazines, radio and TV would become much costlier and will be beyond the reach of the people at large. The main sources of income of media are the advetisements. Hence, news and information are sold to th people at large at a very low price. Advertisements help in maintaining the independent status of the media by making them financially strong.

48. Enumerate various types of advertising?


   Advertising can be classified into two categories, viz, product advertising and institutional advertising. It can also be classified as consumer advertising, industrial advertising, trade advertising and non-profit advertising-on the basis of timing of the response, it can be classified as direct action advertising and indirect action advertising.

49. Give reason either for - or against the following?

       "competition based pricing is ideal for unbranded product"


    I agree with the above statement becuase if the product is unbranded, all products are homogeneous for a consumer and he wlll prefer to buy an economical product

50.  Enumerate the types of brands used by business firms?


  1.  Symbols and marks like Rath brand vanaspati, ship matchbox, ceat tyres, pepsi, Nokia TV etc.
  2. Special names like Liril soap, close up toothpaste, Pen parag, Knight Queen, etc.
  3. The third method of branding is the use of the name of the manufacturer along with a product. For example, Godrey refrigerator, Tata Tea, Birla White Cement, Reliance Mobile and Bata shoes. 





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