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1. "I got up and peeped through the opening in the bushes". What did Huck see there?

Huck saw a ferry boat, full of people, floating down the river there. And they were firing big gun over the water to make Huck's dead body come to the surface.

2.What was Huck waiting for? What was the belief?

Huck was waiting for some bread to float by. The belief was that if we put quick silver in a loaf of bread and floated it, it would go right to the drowned body and stop there.

3. "There was everybody I knew on the boat...."Who were the people on the boat? What was everybody talking about?

The people on the boat were Huck's father, Judge Thatcher, Bessie Thatcher, Joe Harper, Tom Sawyer, old Aunt Polly and Sid and many others. Everybody was talking about how Huck was murdered.

4. How did Huck live on the island before he met Jim?

Huck made a nice camp tent for himself out of the blankets. Towards evening he lighted a fire and had his supper. Whenever he felt tired and lonely, he watched the river and counted the stars. Then he went to bed. In this way, Huck lived on the island before he met Jim.

5. Why did Huck take his gun? Whom did he see on the ground? Who was it?

One morning Huck saw a streak of smoke in the woods. So he took his gun and went towards it. He saw a man lying on the ground. It was Jim, the nigger.

6. What did Huck do when he see Jim?

Huck was glad to see Jim. So he said "Hello" and jumped towards him.

7.Was Jim happy to see Huck? How did he respond?

Jim was not happy to see Huck. He jumped and stared at Huck wildly. And he put his hands together to pray.

8. "Don't hurt me, don't! I never did any harm to any ghost....". Who said these words and to whom? Why did he say so?

Jim said these words to Huck. Jim believed that Huck was dead and that he was a ghost now. So, when he saw Huck, he became afraid and hence he said so.

9. Why did Jim escape from Miss Watson?

Miss Watson, the owner of Jim treated him roughly. She promised him that she would not sell him to anybody. But, one night Jim over- heard Miss Watson telling Widow Douglas that she was going to sell Jim for eight hundred dollars. Because of this, Jim immediately escaped from Miss Watson.

10. What did Huck and Jim catch one night? What did they do then?

One night, Huck and Jim caught part of a big raft. It was twelve by fifteen feet and the top stood half a foot above water. They hid it in a safe place within easy search.

11. What did Huck and Jim see in a corner? What did Jim do then? What did he find out?

Huck and Jim saw a man lying in a corner. Jim then went to look at the man. He found out that the man was dead.

12. What was the idea of Huck? Did Jim like it? What did Jim say?

The idea of Huck was that, he would slip over the river one night and find out what was going on in the town. Jim liked the idea. Jim told him to go when it was dark and to be careful.

13. What did Jim suggest Huck to do? Where did they get the woman's dress?

Jim suggested Huck to dress up like a girl. They got the woman's dress from the house boat.

14. What did Huck see in the small hut? Why did he wonder? What did he do then?

Huck saw a light burning in a small hut which had not been lived in for a long time. So he wondered who lived there now. And in order to know this, he peeped in at the window.

15. Who was there in the small hut? How old was she? What was she doing?

A woman was there in the small hut. She was about forty years old. She sat there knitting by a candle on the table.

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