A ____________ is drawn by wrapping cone round the globe and the shadow graticule network is projected on it.
Conical projection
Cylindrical projection
Zenithal projection
Conventional projection
___________ is most suitable for the area lying between 45o N and S latitudes.
Cylindrical equal area projection
A paper made cylinder covers the globe, and the parallels and meridians are projected on _____________.
Conical projections
Cylindrical projections
Conventional projections
Zenithal projections
____________ is also known as equatorial projection.
Normal projection
Perspective projection
__________ lies wholly in its plane, but all intersect a right angle along the axis of the globe.
Global property
Map projection
Parallels of latitude
Meridians of longitude
______________ is not suitable for a world map.
Mercator's projection
None of these
____________ is an orthomorphic projection.
On the basis of location of source of light, projections may be classified into ____________.
_____________ is the method of transferring the graticule of longitude and latitude on a plane surface.
Map generalisation
Map design
Map construction
_____________ lies wholly in its plane which is at right angle to the axis of the Earth.
Reduced earth