Topics |
1. Define external recruitment.
External recruitment is when a vacancy is filled by some one who is not an existing employee and will be new to the business.
2. What is equal employment opportunities?
Many countries passed the law for equal employment opportunities. The effect of this law is that people should be treated equally in work place. It means that if a man or woman are both equally well qualified for a job, they should be treated equally.
3. What is curriculum vitae?
It is the summary of a person's qualification, experience, and qualities written in a standard format.
4. Explain the term interview.
Interviews are still the most widely used from of selection. Interviews are not always the most reliable way of choosing the best person for job. The main purpose of interview are to assess the candidate in the shortest possible time.
5. What are the stages that might be included in an interview?
a. Skill test
b. Aptitude
c. Personality test
d. Group discussion
6. What is induction training?
It is an introduction given to a new employee, explaining the firms activities, customs and procedures and introducing them to new people.
7. Explain on - the - job training.
On-the-job training is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation. On-the-job training occurs by watching a more experienced work during a job.
8. What is off-the-job training?
It involves being trained away from the work place usually by specialist trainers.
9. Define work force planning.
Work force planning is establishing the work force needed by the business for the foreseeable future in terms of the number and skills of employees required.
10. What is redundancy?
Redundancy is when an employee is no longer needed and so loses their job. It is not due to any aspect of their work being unsatisfactory.
11. What is dismissal?
This is where a worker is told to leave their job because their work/behaviour unsatisfactory.