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1. What is circular or pie diagram ?

Pie diagram is a circle divided into various segments showing percent values of a series.
2. What is a multiple bar diagram ?
Multiple bar diagrams are those diagrams which show two or more sets of data simultaneously. 
3. What does subdivided bar diagram show ?
A sub-divided bar diagram is used when it is desired to represent the comparative values of different components of phenomenon.
4. What are frequency diagrams ?
A frequency diagram means of displaying raw data in a graphical form that is easier to interpret commonly used frequency diagrams are bar charts,histograms,pie charts and scatter diagrams.

5. What is meant by an Ogive?

Ogive or Cumulative frequency curve is the curve which is constructed by plotting frequency data on the graph paper, in the form of smooths curve.

6. What is a frequency curve ? 
A frequency curve is obtained by joining the points of frequent polygon by a freehand smoother curve.
7. Define diagrams and graphs.
Diagrams and graphs are pictorial representation of statistical data.  They are also called diagrammatic representation of data.
8. Give two advantages of diagrammatic representation of data.
Advantages of diagrammatic representation of data :
     1. Diagrams give a clear picture of data
     2. Comparison between different samples with the regard to certain statistical measures like mean, median and mode  can be easily made without using any statistical technique.
9. Give two limitations of diagrammatic presentation.
Limitations of diagrammatic representation:
     1. A limited set of data can be presented in the form of a diagram.
     2. diagram do not present the small differences properly.
10. What is qualitative classification ?
If the data are classified on the basis of some attribute or quality  ( descriptive characteristic ) such as sex, literacy, beauty, honesty, intelligence, education, etc, the classification is known as qualitative classification.
11. Define chronological classification?
When the data are classified on the basis of time.  It is known as chronological classification
12.Define variable.
A quantity which can assume a range of numerical values is called a variable and each value within the range is called variate or observation.
13. Define simple bar diagram.
Bar diagram comprises a group of equispaced and equiwidth rectangular bars for each class or category of data.
14. What are multiple bar diagram .
Multiple bar diagrams are used for comparing two or more sets of data,for example income and expenditure or import and export for different years, marks obtained in different subjects in different classes etc

15. Explain percentage bar diagram.
A diagram which exhibits a simple analysis of statistical data in terms of percentage.The actual form of diagram can vary ;examples are the barchart and the pie chart.
16. Explain Histogram.
Histogram is a graphical representation showing a visual impression of the distribution of data. A histogram is a two dimensional diagram.
17. Explain Pie - diagram.
Pie diagram is a circle divided into component sectors with areas proportional to the size of the corresponding component.  They are prepared on percentage basis.  This diagram is used to compare the relationship between  various components.  For drawing the pie diagram, percentage of each sector is converted into degrees keeping in view that the whole circle covers 360o.The pie chart is perhaps the most widely used statistical chart in the business world and the mass media.
18. Explain frequency curve.
A frequency curve for a grouped, frequency distribution is a smooth freehand curve drawn by joining the mid - points of the upper horizontal sides of the histogram drawn over that frequency distribution. A frequency curve is obtained by joining the points of frequency polygon by a freehand smoother curve.
19. What is textual presentation of data ?
Textual presentation of data means presenting a part of the text of study.  It is also called descriptive presentation of data.  
20.How is a frequency polygon different from a frequency curve ?
Both frequency polygon and frequency curve are drawn by joining the mid - points of all tops of a histogram.  But in case of frequency polygon, the points are joined using a foot rule to make a straight line,  but in case of frequency curve, the points are joined using free hand. 
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