Topics |
1. Explain hyper linking in webpages?
Ans: Hyperlinking is a peculiar feature of webpage to link it with another webpage. The hyperlinked documents need not be in the same computer, they can exist in different servers of internet.
2. Write a note on < A > tag?
Ans : In HTML < A > tag (Ancher tag ) is used for setting hyperlinks. The text or graphics placed between < A > and </ A > tags are called hyper text or hyper link. By clicking the hyper link user can visit the page linked with it.
eg : - < A Href = " Address . html > School Address </ A >.
In the above HTML statement . " School Address " is the hypertext displayed on the webpage. On clicking this page, " Address . html " is displayed.
3. Explain the use of " Mailto " protocol in hyperlinking?
Ans : " Mailto protocol is used in hyper links for activating the e - mail sending facility available in the system. This is an easy way to send e - mails by clicking on the hyperlinks.
eg : - < A Href = " Mailto " : bob @ hotmail . Com " > Mail to me</A>.
On clicking the hyper text ' Mail to me ' an email sending dialogue box with To address as Φ' bob @ hot mail . com ' will be displayed on the screen.
4. Dinu wants to place his photograph in 100 pixel width and height. Write HTML code for the work?
Ans : < IMG SRC = "e :\photo \D \ . Jpg " width = 100 Height = 100 >.
5. What is the use of <IMG > tag? Explain its main attributes?
Ans : <IMG > tag is an empty tag used for displaying image on the webpage.
SRC : is used for setting the path of the image to be displayed.
Alt : is used for setting an alternate text to be displayed on the browsers those are not displaying the image.
Width : Specifies the width of image on pixels.
Height : Specifies the height of the image in pixels.
6. Difference between internal linking and external linking?
Ans : External linking is the hyperlinking to external web documents or images. On clicking external links, new document window will opened to display the linked webpage.
Internal linking is the hyperlinking done on webpage with huge content. Each sections of the same webpage are named using <A> tag and hyperlinks are set to this named sections. This is an easy way for viewing different sections of the same webpage easily.
7. How to insert comments in HTML?
Ans : In HTML comments are inserts using <! - - - and - - - > tags.
The comment line will not be displayed on the webpage.
eg : - <! - - - This is a comment - - - >
8. Compare <DT> and <DD> tags?
Ans : <DT> is an innertag of <DL> tag. It defines the " definition term ' of definition list . <DT> will be displayed left aligned bold letters. <DD> is another inner tag of <DL> tag. rised for displaying the ' definition description' . The discription is displayed in normal text, positional one tab position from the left margin.
9. Explain unordered list?
Ans : Unordered list arranges the list items with bullet symbol in front. <UL > , </UL > tag pairs encloses an unordered list . list items are specified by < LI > tag . The bullet type for the list items can be changed using Type attribute of <Ul> tag. It can take values square , circle or disc . The default type is disc.
eg : - <HTML >
<TITLE> Unordered List </TITLE>
10. What do you mean by ordered list?
Ans : In ordered list, the list items are numbered in sequence. The <OL>, </OL> tag pairs forms an ordered list. The list items are given using <LI> tag : Two main attributes of <OL> tag are Type and Start.Type attribute indicates the numbering type for the list items.
eg :- <HTML>
<TITLE> Ordered list </TITLE>
<LI> Maths
<LI> Chemistry
<LI> Physics
11. Write a note on Definition list?
Ans : Definition list is formed by a group of definitions and their descriptions. No bullet symbol or number is provided for the list items. The descriptions are indented from definition terms. The <DL> , </DL> tags enclose the definition list. The <DT> tag contains the definition term portion of the list and <DD> tag specifies the description.
eg : - <HTML>
<TITLE> Definition List </TITLE>
<DT> E cheque
<DD> Electronic cheque that can be transferred in digital form.
<DT> E cash
<DD> Digital cash that can be trasferred in electronic form.
<DT> Smart Card
<DD> Electronic card that can store customer information