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1. What is cognition?
All the mental activities associated with knowing, namely, perceiving, thinking, and remembering, etc are called cognition.
2. What is ‘nm’?
‘nm’ refers to nanometer, which is one billionth of a meter.
3. What is ‘hue’?
‘Hue’ is a property of chromatic colours. It refers to the name of the colour. Example: Red, blue, and green.
4. Define sensation.
The initial experience of a stimulus or an object registered by a particular sense organ is called sensation.
5. What is the function of iris?
Iris controls the amount of light entering the eyes by regulating pupil dilation.
6. What is ‘auditory meatus’?
Auditory meatus is a canal protected by hair and wax that carriers sound waves from pinna to the tympanum or eardrum.
7. Why do illusions occur?
Perceptions of human beings are not always veridical. Sometimes he fails to interpret the sensory information correctly. This results in a mismatch between the physical stimuli and its perception.
8. Write a brief note on visual sensation.
Among all sense modalities, vision is the most highly developed in human beings. Various estimates indicate that w use it an approximately 80 per cent of our transactions with the external world.
Visual sensation starts when light enters the eyes and stimulates our visual receptors. Our eyes are sensitive to a spectrum of light, the wavelength of which ranges from 380 nm to 780 nm (nm refers to nanometer, which is one billionth of a meter). No sensation is registered beyond this range of light.
9. What are the characteristics of automatic processing?
Automatic processing has three main characteristics – ( i ) It occurs without intention. (ii) It takes place unconsciously. (iii) It involves very little or not though processes. For Example - We can read words or tie our shoelaces without giving away thought to these activities.
10. Define attention. Explain its properties:
The process through which certain stimuli are selected from a group of others is generally referred to as attention.
Attention has different properties such as selection, alertness, concentration, and search.
Selection: A large number of stimuli impinge upon our sense organs simultaneously but we do not notice all of them at the same time. Only a selected few of them are noticed.
For example, when a student enters his classroom he encounters several things in it, such as doors, walls windows, paintings on walls, tables, chairs, students, school bags, etc., but he selectively focus only on one or two of them at one time.
It refers to an individual readiness to deal with stimuli that appear before him/her.
Example: While participating in a race in school, a student can see the participants on the starting line in an alert state waiting or the whistle to blow in order to run.
Concentration: It refers to focusing of awareness on certain specific objects while excluding others for the moment.
Example: In the classroom, a student concentrates on the teacher’s lecture and ignores all sorts of noise coming from different corners of the school.
In search an observer looks for some specified subject of objects among a set of objects.
Example: When you go to fetch your younger sister and brother from the school, you just look for them among many boys and girls. All these activities require some kind of efforts on the part of the people.