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1. Point out the basic aims of education.
The basic aims of education are to maintain society and to develop the personality of individuals. Following are some of the basic aims of education.
a) Education integrates individual with society.
b) Education maintains order in society.
c) Education perpetuates culture.
d) Education increases efficiency of individuals.
2. Explain the meaning of Political Institutions.
Martindale and Monchest have defined political institutions as those holding monopoly in the exercise of legitimate force. The power cannot be unlimited and unqualified.
3. Write the meaning of the Affinal Relation.
The relationship created by marriage is called affinal relation. For example, the relationship of husband and wife.
4. What is meant by contract?
A contract essentially refers to an agreement between two or more persons to behave in a certain specified way for a certain specified period of time in future towards achieving certain specified ends.
5. Exogamy
Marriage outside a defined group e.g., gotra, village.
6. Marriage
H.M Johnson has defined marriage as a stable relationship in which a man and a woman are socially permitted, without loss of standing in community, to have children.
7. Write in short three reasons responsible for the emergence of the institution of marriage.
The most important reasons for the emergence of the institution of marriage are:
I. Sexual gratification, which is a biological need.
II. Legitimation of children born out of such union, which is a social need.
III. Economic co-operation which is an economic need.
8. What are the factors that determine the nature of power. What is their sociological importance?
There are several factors which determine the nature of power individually or in combination. These factors have sociological significance. Some of these factors are:
a) Social position b) Prestige c) Fame d) The physical and material powers and e) Education, knowledge, ability and excellence.
9. Why marriage is called an universal institution?
1. Marriage is called an universal Institution because it is practiced in all human societies throughout the world.
2. Every society from primitive to modern time has had the institution of marriage but its form and nature has varied from time to time and from society to society.
10. Patrilocal
Patrilocal refers to the type of residence selected by the husband and wife after their marriage. In this type of residence, bride goes and stays with the groom’s family after the marriage.
11. Legitimacy
The belief that a particular political order in just and valid.
12. What do you mean by the term Gender?
Gender refers to social expectations about the behaviour regarded as appropriate for the members of each sex. Gender is seen as a basic organising principle of society.
13. What is meant by Sovereignty?
Sovereignty means the undisputed political rule of a state over a given territorial area.
14. Socialisation.
It is that process by which every individual in society learns to live in her/his family according to the norms and values determined by society.
15. Gotra.
In Hindu society, gotra refers to a group of families which trace their origin from a common mythical ancestor.
16. Write two main basic characteristics of Religion.
1. Religion is the belief in the supernatural power.
2. Every religion has its special place of worship and has the concept of heaven and hell and sacred and profane.
17. Kinship.
Social relationship based on real, putative or fictive consanguinity. It is the system of the way in which the relations between individuals in the family are organized.
18. What is meant by service Industries?
Industries concerned with the production of services rather than manufactured goods, such as the travel industry.
19. Ideology.
Shared ideas or beliefs, which serve to justify the interests of dominant groups. Ideologies are found in all societies in which there are systematic and engrained inequalities between groups. The concept of ideology connects clearly with that of power, since ideological system serve to legitimise the differential power which groups hold.
20. Explain the meaning of Bureaucracy.
Bureaucracy in sociology refers to an organisation set-up, where speafic individuals perform their assigned task according to their specialised skills.