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1. What is the difference between data and information?

Data is simply the value assigned to a variable. But the processed data is known as information.

2. What is meant by database window?

When a database is opened, all its components are displayed in a separate subwindow of MS Access called database window.

3. What is a table?

A table is a part of the database which is used to store the data which relates to a single object, subject or purpose.

4. What is meant by a record?

A record is a named collection of data items which represents a complete unit of information.

5. What is meant by data security?

Data security refers to ensure the data not get used by unauthorized people and do not get corrupted.

6. What is meant by encryption?

Encryption provides security to a database. Encrypting a data base condenses the database file and makes it impossible to read.

7. What is a report wizard?

A report wizard by asking a set of questions about how the report should look like.

8. Discuss about MS Access window components.

1. Title Bar: This is the topmost bar to display the title.
2. Menu Bar : This is the tool bar below menu bar which provides various tools for the standard functions.
3. Access Tool Bar: This is the tool bar below menu bar which provides various tools for the standard functions.
4. Database Window : When a database is opened, all its components are displayed in a separate sub window of MS Access called database window.
5. Object Buttons : This is used to process various database objects like tables, queries, forms, etc.
6. Status Bar: This bar is located on the lower left corner of MS Access and this reports the progress of database processing.

9. How can you create a blank database?

We can create a blank database using the following steps:

1. Click on Blank database radio button.
2. Click on OK button to continue.
3. Click the Save box and choose the folder where we want to save the file in.
4. Type the name of the database in this box.
5. Click Create button to create a new database.

10. Which are the components of a table?

The following are the components of a table in MS Access:

1. Data : A data item is the smallest unit of named data. It may consist of any number of bits or bytes.
2. Record: A record is a named collection of data items which represents a complete unit of information.
3. Field : A category of information representing the attributes of entries are called field.

11. How can you add a new record to a table?

To add a new record.
1. Click  the tables tab in the Database window.
2. Double click on the name of the table.
3. Select New Record button on the Access tool bar to add a new record.
4. Enter data in all the fields using Tab key.
5. After entering data close the window, which automatically saves the table with records that entered.

12. How can you delete a record form a table?

To delete a record.
1. Open the table in Datasheet view.
2. Select the record to be deleted by clicking at it.
3. Click Delete Record on the tool bar.
4. Confirm the delete operation by clicking Yes.

13. How can you modify a field and their properties?

For modifying a field and their properties.

1. Click field name to be edited in the Fieldname column.
2. To change that data type, click field's data type area and select a new data type from the drop down list.
3. In the Field Properties panel, click any text box and change its value if required.

14. The database 'School' consists of a table 'Class'. This table contains 4 fields: 'Name', Mark1, 'Mark2', and 'Mark3'.

(a) Write steps to add a new field 'Roll No' in this table before the 'Name' field. Explain.
(b) The name of a student consist of 40 characters. But the 'Name' field is able to accept only upto 30 characters. How will you modify the table to accept at least 0 characters?

    (a) Add new field “Roll No” to this table place the cursor in the 'Name' field. Then select insert from the toolbar. Insert rows then given name-type description.
    (b) Click the field name select the field size as you required.

15. Suppose you want to save the data after the completion of data entry in Access. Explain the procedure for achieving it.

Choose Save command from the File menu dialog box. Give the name of the new table in their dialog box. Then click on OK button in the message box. Then click on yes button to define primary key still enter record or close it now. Click close button.

16. “The class attendance register can be considered as a database table”. On the basis of the above statement list out the features of the database.

1. It is collection of data.
2. It is in the organised form.
3. Easy retrieval of data.
4. And can be used for other purpose.

17. What is database?

Database is used to store all data records. We can create detailed report using these records in the database.

18. Define DBMS.

Database Management System (DBMS) is a set of programs that helps us to manage data stored in a database.

19. What is called data redundancy?

Data redundancy is the duplication of same data in different files.

20. What is meant by data inconsistency?

Data inconsistency occurs when there is a change of data in a file, the same change is not reflected on other files.

21. Define query.

A query is a statement used to gather information from all the table in a database.

22. Define Form.

Forms are the means to enter data in a database table.

23. What is meant by action queries?

The query used to perform an action is known as action query.

24. What is a chart wizard?

The chart wizard helps us through the process of creating the chart and gives a preview of the chart before completing it, so that we can make any changes.

25. What is a report?

A report is an effective way to present data in a printed format.

26. How can you print a report?

To print a report:
1. Click the Reports button on the database window.
2. Right click on the report and choose Print.

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