A swing has a time period of 1.4 seconds. The no. of oscillations made by it within 1 minute 24 seconds will be:
The sound waves in air are
Seismic waves
Partially longitudinal and partially transverse
Transverse waves
Longitudinal waves
A source of wave produces 40 crests and 40 troughs in 0.4second.Find the frequency of the wave.
200 Hz
Sound from a flute and sound from a harmonica played by passing air through musical instrument, at same time and same distance from ear and traveling through same medium air, they differ in sounds due to difference in
Speed of sound in air
The amplitude of a wave is
the distance the wave moves in one second
the distance equal to one wave length
the maximum distance moved by the particles of a medium on either side of the mean position.
the distance the wave moves in one time period of the wave
A wire of uniform cross-section and length of 7 m is fixed between two rigid points. If a stationary wave is set in it and made to vibrate with one loop, the wave length of vibration will be:
28 m
3.5 m
14 m
7 m
Arrange in increasing order - Speed of sound in steel, in distilled water, in sea water and in oxygen.
Steel < distilled water = sea water < oxygen.
Oxygen < distilled water = sea water < steel.
Steel > distilled water > sea water > oxygen.
Oxygen < distilled water < sea water < steel
In a progressive longitudnal wave, the separation between a compression and immediate rarefaction is 2.4 m, if its speed is 360 m/s, the frequency is:
100 Hz
75 Hz
125 Hz
150 Hz
A baby cries with a frequency 712 Hz, if the speed of sound in air is 356m/s, the wavelength of sound is:
5 m
0.005 m
0.5 m
Which of the following quantities is transferred during wave propagation?