Phylogenetic classification is based on _______________.
utilitarian system
overall similarities
common evolutionary descent
Species is ____________.
basic unit of classification
unit in the evolutionary histroy of a tree
specific class of evolution
not related to evolution
What is true for individuals of same species?
Live in same niche
Live in same habitat
Live in different habitat
"Taxonomy without phylogeny is similar to bones without flesh" is the statement of (1994) ___________.
Oswald Tippo
Jojn Hutchinson
Bentham and Hooker
Artificial system of classification was first used by _____________.
An important criterion for modern day classification is ______________.
resemblances in Morphology
anatomical and physiological traits
breeding habits
presence or absence of notochord
Sequence of taxonomic categories is _____________.
class - phylum - tribe - order - family - genus - species
division - class - family - tribe - order - genus - species
division - class - order - family - tribe - genus - species
Phylum - order - class - tribe - family - genus - species
The closely related morphologically similar sympatric populations, but reproductively isolated, are designated as _________.
sibling species
ICBN stands for ______________.
Indian congress of Biological Names
International code of Botanical Nomenclature
International congress of Biological Names
Indian code of Botanical Nomenclature
Binomial nomenclature means _______________.
one name given by two scientists
one scientific name consisting of a generic and a specific epithet
two names,one Latinised, other of a person
None of the above