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1. Differentiate simple permanent tissue from complex permanent tissue.

Simple permanent tissue consists of single type of cells that are similar structurally and functionally.

Complex permanent tissue consists of more than one type of cells that work together as a unit.

2. Why are meristematic tissues thin walled?

Meristematic tissues actively divide to increase the number of cells. To facilitate division the cell wall is thin walled.

3. What are chlorenchyma and aerenchyma.

Parenchyma cells with chlorophyll are called chlorenchyma, and the parenchyma cells which have air spaces in it are called aerenchyma.

4. Which type of parenchyma contain air spaces? What is their advantage?

Parenchyma containing air spaces are known as aerenchyma. Aerenchyma provides buoyancy to the floating aquatic plants.

5. What are complex permanent tissues?

Permanent tissues made up of more than one type of cells that work together as a unit are called permanent tissues. Xylem and phloem constitute the complex permanent tissue of plants.

6. Differentiate xylem from phloem.

Xylem Phloem
a. Xylem conducts water and minerals from roots to leaves. Phloem conducts prepared food from leaves to all parts of the plant body.
b. Conduction is unidirectional that is from roots to leaves. Multidirectional that is from leaves to all parts of the body.

7. Name the four types of epithelial tissues.

  1. Squamous Epithelium
  2. Cuboidal epithelium
  3. Columnar epithelium
  4. Ciliated epithelium.

8. How does epithelial tissue protect our body.

Epithelial tissue covers our body and protects us from heat, cold, mechanical injuries and prevent entry of germs.

9. Name the peculiar structural feature of connective tissue.

Connective tissue cells are embedded or suspended in a matrix or ground substance.

10. Give a similarity and a difference between tendon and  ligament.

Similarity  - Both are fibrous connective tissues.

Difference- Tendon joins a bone to a muscle whereas a ligament joins 2 bones together.

11. Mention two functions of areolar tissue.

  1. Areolar tissue binds skin to underlying parts of our body.
  2. Areolar tissue forms packaging tissue between organs in our body.

12. Compare the features of bone and cartilage.

Bone Cartilage
  • Strong, hard and rigid tissue
Soft flexible and elastic tissue
  • Matrix contains the protein ossein
Matrix contains the protein chondrin
  • Matrix has large amount of calcium of phosphate
Calcium rarely present
  • Bones form large part of our endoskeleton
Cartilage is seen at some places like nasal bridge, external ear etc.
  • Bones protect various internal organs like brain, heart and lungs.
Cartilage acts as shock absorber for the bones.

13. Name the cellular components of blood and mention their functions.

a. Erythrocytes or RBCS:- Carry oxygen from lungs to all cells of our body.

b. Leucocytes or WBCs:- Fight against pathogens and provide us with immunity.

c. Thrombocytes or Blood platelets:- Helps in blood clotting and thus prevent bleeding from wounds.

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