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1. What was the description that Mr. Harker gave about Dracula when he saw him for the first time?

Initially Dracula appeared to be a tall man and was clean - shaven except for a long white mustache. He was dressed in black from head to foot and held an old silver lamp which sent long shadows over the door. He spoke very good English but his voice sounded rather odd.

2. What did Mr. Harker feel when Dracula grabbed his hand?

The power of his grip made Mr. Harker gasp with pain. His hand felt as cold as ice. It was more like the hand of a dead man than a living man.

3. As Mr. Harker talked, what all things did he notice about Dracula?

As Mr. Harker talked, he looked at Dracula more closely. He was an old man. His face was strong and his eyebrows were very bushy. Under his white mustache,   his mouth was cruel. His teeth were very pointed and stuck out over his red lips. His ears were white and pointed at the top. His skin was very, very pale. It was almost bloodless. His hands were thick and powerful. The nails were long and cut to sharp points. And there were hairs growing from the middle of his palm.

4. Why did Mr. Harker want 'to be sick all over the carpet'?

Mr. Harker felt like that because at Dracula's bad breath.

5. What was the description that Dracula gave to the wolves?

He said that the wolves are the children of the night and that they make nice music.

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