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1. Who is kown as the father of political science?

Answer : Aristotle is known as the father of political science. He described democracy as the best form of government.


2. What do you mean by monarchy?

Answer : If the sovereignty embodied in a single person, it is called monarchy. Sovereignty is one of the characteristcs of a state.


3. What do you mean by aristocracy?

Answer : If the sovereignty embodied in more than one person, it is called aristocracy.


4. What do you mean by democracy?

Answer : If the sovereignty embodied in all the people of a state, it is called democracy. The democracy is not a mere form of government, it is also a way of life.


5. Define democracy?

ANswer : The famous leader Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as a form of government of the people, by the people and for the people.


6. What is the meaning of the word democracy?

Answer : The word "democracy" is derived from the Greek words Demos and Cratia. 'Demos' means people and cratia means rule.


7. Write about an important feature of democracy?

Answer : In democracy the supreme power rests with the people. It is also known as the people's government.


8. What are essential for the successful functioning of democracy?

Answer : The democracy is not a mere form of government, it is also a way of life. Freedom, equality, fraternity and justice are essential for the successful functioning of democracy.


9. Write down the factors which are strengthening democracy?

Answer : People needcertain rights to lead their life with freedom, in the democratic country. The coexistence on the basis of equality inculcates fraternity, in addition social justice strengthens the democracy.


10. Which factors provide good result to democracy?

Answer :

(a) laws enacted on the basis of equality,

(b) laws enforced in their true spirit,

(c) an important functioning of judiciary.

Additional factors are:

(1) free and fair elections,

(2) political parties with public welfare,

(3) an administrative machinery with an understanding of people's needs and a commitment to work.


11. How many types of democracy are there and which are they?

Answer : Democracy can be said to be of two different types, they are direct democracy and indirect democracy.


12. What do you mean by direct democracy?

Answer : The democracy in which all citizens take part directly is called direct democracy. The direct democracy worked successfully in Sparta, Athens, the city states of ancient Greece.


13. What do you mean by indirect democracy?

Answer : It is not possible to have direct democracy in bigger states. Hence people take part in government indirectly by electing their representatives in these states. It is called indirect democracy.


14. Why does the indirect democracy is also called as representative democracy?

Answer : In representative democracy, sovereignty is embodied in people. The elected representatives such as MPs, MLAs are answerable to the people. India, America, Britain, France and Srilanka are better examples of representative democracy.


15. Compare the form of leadership existence in monarchy, aristocracy and democracy?

Answer : In monarchy, the leadership is embodied in the hands of monarch. In aristocracy, the leadership embodied in the hands of aristocrats. In democracy, people should develop their competency in order to provide the leadership.


16. Write a short note about citizens's right?
Answer : The rights that are made available by a state to its citizens determines its nature. The democratic state enjoy their rights constitutionally. In other types of states rights depends upon the likes and dislikes of the sovereign.


17. Write down the importance of rights?

Answer : The rights are essential for the development of citizens. In addition the rights of democracy as integral parts of ''sovereignty embodied in the people.


18. How many types of rights are there and which are they?

Answer : There are 5 types of rights. They are moral rights, legal rights, political rights, social rights and economic rights.


19. Write a short note about moral rights?

Answer : The moral rights of an individual is depends upon the responsible behaviours of all the concerned individuals. It also indicate of their inter-relations which exists in the basis of mutual cooperation between them.


20. Write down the factors, thst depends on individual's rights?

Answer : An individual's rights depends upon the other individual responsibilities. So the citizens of democratic state should have not only liberty and equality but also fraternity duly developed on them.

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