Which among the following contains drawings, photographs, sounds etc. that you can insert in your presentation?
Microsoft Clip Organizer
Clip art task pane
Organization chart
None of these
Which is a common tool in group activities?
Clip organizer
Clip art gallery
All of these
What is Clip Art?
Picture files that can be inserted into a slide.
Diagrammatic representation of commands.
Change any color of picture.
What happens if you select lnsert→Picture→ From File?
You can insert picture and clip Art
You can insert Clip Arts only
You can insert Pictures only
How we can select Picture toolbar in MS PowerPoint if it is not displayed?
Which menu contains Picture tool bar?
How to open Microsoft PowerPoint?
Start ->Programs-> Microsoft Office-> Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Start -> Programs-Accessories-> Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Programs-> Microsoft Office-> Microsoft Office PowerPoint
Which of the following is used for representing a chain of commands diagrammatically?
Drawing Objects
Clip Art
What is the purpose of Fill Effects?
To change the gradient pattern or texture
To change the color
To change the thickness
None of these.
Which among the following allows placing the shape next to the selected shape?