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1. Based on cell, how organism are classified?
Ans : based on cell, organisms are classified into unicellular and multicellular organisms. Organisms made up of single cell are called unicellular organisms. Eg:- Bacteria, Paramecium - organisms made of many cells are called multicellular organisms. Eg :- Dog , Man , Mango tree etc.

2. Autotrophs are also called self feeders. Explain?
Ans : Autotrophs are plants which synthesis their own food by a process called photosynthesis. They trap energy of sunlight with the help of pigment chlorophyll. So they are also called self feeders.

3. What are heterotrophs? Give an example?
Ans : Animals  depend on plants and other animals for food. They are called heterotrophs. Eg :- Man.

4. What are herbivore? Give an example?
Ans : Some animals feed directly on plant matter like leaves , grass , seeds , fruits etc. Such animals are called herbivore . Eg :- Cow

5. How will you differentiate carnivores from omnivores?
Ans : Animals that feed on other animals are called carnivores, where as animals that eat plant matter as well as animal matter are called omnivores.

6. What is breathing? How is it different in different organisms?
Ans : Living beings breathe in and breath out to carry out the process of respiration. This is known as breathing. Eg:- Earth worm breathes through their skin, fishes use gills for breathing and plants exchange gases through stomata.

7. What is the chemical process involved in respiration?
Ans : During respiration glucose (food) combines with six molecules of oxygen to produce six molecules of carbon dioxide , six molecules of water and energy.
           C6 H12O6 + 6 Co2  → 6Co2 + 6 H2O + Energy

8. What is aerobic respiration?
Ans : Respiration in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.

9. What is anaerobic respiration?
Ans : Respiration in the absence of oxygen is called anaerobic respiration. Eg :- Some bacteria.

10. Give an example to show, all organisms respond to stimulus?
Ans : Touch - me - not (Mimosa pudica) plant close their leaves when touched is an example to show an organism respond to stimulus.

11. What is excretion?
Ans : The process of getting rid of waste materials in the body is known as excretion. Eg:- In animals urea is excreted in urine.

12. Based on reproduction, how many types of organisms are there?
Ans : There are two types of organisms, Oviparous and Viviparous animals. Some animals produce eggs are called Oviparous eg :- hen, while others give birth to young ones are called Viviparous animals eg:- Cow.

13. What is locomotion?
Ans : The ability of moving independently from one place to another is called locomotion. Animals have special locomotary organs. Eg :- Cows have legs, birds have wings etc.

14. Do plants have locomotion?
Ans : No, plants show movement but not locomotion. Movement in the form of growth of root towards earth, bending of sunflower towards sunlight , curling of leaves of touch - me - not plant when touched.

15. What do you mean by life span?
Ans : Life span is the time during which an organism lives, grows and finally dies. It is different in different organism. Eg:- Bacteria live for only 20 - 25 minutes, while tortoise lives up to 150 years.

16. What are the important difference between living and non - living things?
Ans :

                Living things             Non - living things
1. Body made of cell       No cells
2. They have nutrition They have no nutrition
3. They respire and obtain energy No respiration
4. They respond to external stimulus They do not respond to external stimulus
5. They grow by cell division They do not grow and no cell division
6. They reproduce giving rise to offspring They cannot reproduce
7. They have definite life cycle and life span They have no life cycle and life span
8. They show excretion No excretion take place

17. What are the difference between plants and animals?
Ans :

                      Plants                                         Animals
1. They are autotrophs, prepare their food by photosynthesis Heterotrophs. They cannot prepare their food, but obtain food from plants and animals.
2. They have no locomotion They show locomotion
3. They show unlimited growth They have limited growth

18. Describe briefly , the reasons that make you consider a stone is a non - living object?
Ans : Stone is a non - living object because the following characters of living things are absent in it.
          1. It is not made up of cells
          2. It do not respire
          3. It does not reproduce
          4. It has no growth, no nutrition
          5. It do not respond to stimulus
          6. No excretion

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