Deccan plateau of India is
Intermontane plateau
Tectonic plateau
Volcanic plateau
Fault block plateau
Which are associated with volcanic activity and has many active volcanoes?
Block mountains
Fold mountains
Volcanic mountains
Tall mountains
What are the highest and most extensive mountains ranges of the world?
Which are the youngest mountains on Earth's surface?
Choose the wrong statement
Intermontane plateau are enclosed by fold mountains
Intermontane plateau are usually very high
Central plateau of France is an example of Intermontane plateau
Tibetan plateau is an example of Intermontane plateau
The land form that rise above 600m is called
A hill
A mountain
What are forces operating on the surface of the Earth, not inside the Earth which cause formation of land forms?
Sudden forces
Exogenic forces
Endogenic forces
Diastrophic forces
Name the longest mountain range in the world.
Andes mountain range
Himalayan mountain range
Alps mountain range
Harz mountain range
Name the highest and largest mountains in the world.
Ural mountain range
The farthest summit when calculated from centre of the earth is
Mount everest
Mauna Loa
Andean Peak of Chimborazo