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1. What is history?

ANS:          History is the true story of man's progress from the earliest period to the present day. It tells us how and where our ancestors lived their social customs religious beliefs, occupations and achievements.

2. Why do we study History?

ANS:          History is the study of past. Our past experiences have enriched our present lives, the study of past events enables us to understand the present situation better. So we Study History.

3. What is the difference between prehistory and history?

ANS:         Pre- history refers to the period when writings had not been invented. Since no written records are available, historians have to depend fully on archeology for reconstructing the even of this period.

        The period after the interventions of writing is considers as history. Writing was developed about 5000 years ago.

4. What is 'Source material'? Mention the different kinds of source material for writing the history of India.

ANS:        The historians have to turn to sources which though scanty enable them to reconstruct our past. These clues and evidences are called source materials. These sources may broadly be divided into two categories.

        a. Archeological sources.

        b. Literary sources.

               Archeological sources may be divided in to three categories.

    a. Monuments b. coins  c. inscriptions

               Literary sources may be divided in to two categories.

     a. Indian      b. Foreign.

5. What is archeology?

ANS :         Archeology is the study of material remains of the distant past.

6. Why are inscriptions a reliable sources of information?

ANS:          Inscription are writings engraved on stones, pillars, rocks, copper and other metal plates. These are reliable sources of information because they exist in their original forms even today.

7. What is the difference between religious literature and secular literature? Give two examples of each?

ANS:         The earliest literature in India primarily dealt with religion. Religions books like the Vedas ,the epics etc provide valuable information regarding the social traditions, administrative structures and religious beliefs of the people.

Example: Ramayana & Mahabharata

         Non religious literature is called secular literature.

Example: Harshacharita, Arthashastra.

8. What is called epigraphy?

ANS:        The study of inscriptions is called epigraphy.

9. Write a short on foreign literary sources?

ANS:        Greek and Chinese visitors who came to India either as travellers or as religious pillgrims. Megasthenes, who came to India as an ambassador to the court of Chandragupta Mourya wrote a book called Indika. This books gives valuable information about the mouryan adminsitration. Other foreign visitors are Fa Hien  chinese pillgrim and Hiuen Tsang.

10. What is called manuscripts?

ANS:         Handwritten records are called manuscripts.

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