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1. Find the adjoint of the matrix  

The co factor of a is d, the co factor of b is -c, the co factor of c is -b and the co factor of d is a.  The matrix formed by the co factors taken in order is the co factor matrix of A.

  The co factor matrix of A is =   Taking transpose of the co factor matrix, we get the adjoint  of A.

        The adjoint of  

 2. State and Prove Reversal Law for Inverses .


       If A,B are any two non-singular matrices of the same order, then AB is also non-singular and

       (AB)-1 = B-1A-1 ie, the inverse of a  product is product of  inverses taken in the reverse order.



3. Prove that "For any non-singular matrix A, (AT)-1 = (A-1)T.


  Taking transpose on both sides of AA-1 = I

  We have (AA-1)T = IT

  By reversal law for transposes, we get

         (A-1)T AT = I  → (1)

 Similarly by taking transpose on both of A-1A = I, we have

         (AT) (A-1)T = I → (2)

  From (1) and (2)

        (A-1)T AT = AT (A-1)T = I

        (A-1)T is the inverse of AT

A is a non-singular matrix.  Hence it is invertible.  The matrix formed by the co factors is


7. Solve by matrix inversion method x + y = 3, 2x + 3y = 8.

 The given system of equations can be written in the form of




  The highest order minor of A is given by   .  Since the second order minor vanishes .  We have to try for at least one non-zero first order minor, ie, atleast one non-zero element of A.  This is possible because A has non-zero elements.


10. Find the rank of the matrix .


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