Which button should you click first when you want to open notepad?
My Documents
My Computer
Save option is used to:
To open the file
To store the text typed
To edit the text
To close the file
Notepad is a:
Operating system
Which of the following will you use to reuse the file that was typed?
Type writer
All of the above
Notepad files are saved with extension of:
. jpg
. txt
. jpeg
To close the notepad file, click:
Open option
Save option
Edit option
Exit option
Which of the following is the area where text is typed?
Menu Bar
Title Bar
Text Area
Status bar
In text area of Notepad, we can:
Type text
Draw picture
Paste picture
Store picture
To create a new file, select new option from the:
Edit menu
Format menu
File menu
View menu
What do title bar display?
Title of the file
Picture of the file
Text of the file
Status of the file