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1, Can you instantly find the greatest number in each row and also which is the smallest number ?
            1)    387 , 4972 , 18 , 59785 , 750
                        Ans :-59785 is the greatest and 18 is the smallest .
             2)    1473 , 89423 , 100 , 5000 , 310.
                            Ans :-89423  is the greatest and 100  is the smallest .
             3)    1834 , 75284 , 111 , 2333 , 450 .
                                   Ans :-75284  is the greatest and 111 is the smallest .
             4)     2853 , 7691 , 9999 , 12002 , 124.
                                    Ans :-12002  is the greatest and 124 is the smallest .
2) Find the greatest and the smallest number :
                a) 4536, 4892, 4370, 4452
                               Ans :-4892  is the greatest and 4370 is the smallest .
                b) 15623 , 15073 , 15189 , 15800
                               Ans :-15800  is the greatest and 15073 is the smallest .
                c)  25286 , 25245 , 25270 , 25210.
                                    Ans :-25286 is the greatest and 25210 is the smallest .
                d) 6895 , 23787 , 24569 , 24659 .
                                   Ans :-24659  is the greatest and 6895 is the smallest .
3) Use the given digits without repetition and make the greatest and smallest four - digit numbers ?
           (a) 2 , 8 , 7 , 4 (b) 9 , 7 , 4 , 1 (c) 4 , 7 , 5 , 0 (d) 1 , 7 , 6 , 2 (e) 5 , 4 , 0 , 3.

                  Ans :-      Greatest 4 - digit number                                                   Smallest 4 - digit number.
                                    (a)         8742                                                                                2478
                                    (b)         9741                                                                                 1479
                                     (c)         7540                                                                                 4057
                                     (d)         7621                                                                                 1267
                                     (e)          5430                                                                                 3045.
4) Now make the greatest and the smallest four -digit numbers by using any one digit twice.

                 (a)  3 , 8 , 7     (b) 9 , 0 , 5              (c)  0, 4, 9           (d) 8 , 5 , 1

                    Ans :       Greatest 4 - digit number                                    Smallest 4 - digit number
                                      (a)     8873                                                                    3378
                                      (b)      9950                                                                   5009
                                      (c)      9940                                                                   4009
                                      (d)      8851                                                                   1158

5) Make the greatest and the smallest four - digit numbers using any four different digits,with conditions
     as given .
            (a) Digit 7 is always at one's place .
          (2) Digit 4 is always at ten's place.
                       Ans :-
          (3) Digit 9 is always at hundred's place.
           (4)   Digit 1 is always at thousands place
                            Ans :- 

 6) Take two digits ,say 2 and 3.From them make four-digit numbers ,using both the digits equal number
     of times .
                 (a) Which is the largest number ?
                 (b) Which is the smallest number ?
                  (c) How many different numbers can you make in all ?
                           Ans :-
                                     (a)  Largest number                            3322
                                     (b)   Smallest number                          2233
                                     (c)    Different numbers                       3322 ,3232 , 3223 , 2323, 2332 , 2233 , i.e. 6 in all .
        Ascending Order : Ascending order  means arrangement from the smallest to the greatest.
        Descending Order : Descending order means arrangement from the greatest to the smallest .  

7) Arrange the following numbers in ascending order :

             (a) 847 , 9754 , 8320 , 571                     (b) 9801 , 25751 , 36501 , 38802

              Ans    (a)  571 , 847 , 8320 , 9754 .        (b) 9801 , 25751 , 36501 , 38802.
8) Arrange the following numbers in descending order:

               (a) 5000 , 7500 , 85400 , 7861                         (b) 1971 , 45321 , 88715 , 92547.

               Ans :-  (a) 85400 , 7861 , 7500 , 5000              (b) 92547 , 88715 , 45321 , 1971 .  

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