What did Andres Celsius discover?
How objects fall
Centigrade temperature scale
Sun centred solar system
How things float
Who among the following invented the electric light?
John Dunlop
John Dalton
Thomas Alva Edison
Samuel Colt
What did Johannes Kepler discover?
Motor cycle
Laws of planetary motion
Wave nature of light
What did Nicolas Copernicus invent?
Atomic theory
The nature of lighting
Who invented Earth's magnetism?
Karl Benz
Galileo Galilei
Pierre Ptolemy
William Gilbert
Who invented sewing machine?
Enrico Fermi
Valdemar Paulsen
J. Walter Hunt
Who invented television?
John Logie Baird
Isaac Newton
Who invented the wave nature of light?
Anders Celsius
Thomas Young
Who invented gravity?
Gabriel Fahrenheit
Claudius Ptolemy
Who among the following invented the Moon of Jupiter?